
Access to water is crucial. Afghanistan today is just entering another drought year. Without irrigation, agriculture, the backbone of the economy and only income source for most of the people in Daikundi, is impossible.

Irrigation projects in 2024

This year, we want to help villagers build two irrigation channels and three irrigation pools. Better infrastructure helps them better irrigate newly planted trees and saves them a lot of hard labour carrying water.

Two irrigation channels

We are building two irrigation channels in Miramor Daikundi, in 2023. This helps farmers increase their income and become resilient in the face of climate change.

Two new irrigation pools

In Spring of 2023 we are continuing our irrigation work in Miramor, Daikundi after a winter break.

An irrigation channel for Bagh

We help the villagers build an irrigation channel from a spring to their trees. Approximately 40 families will benefit from the project.



A pool for Dahanetol

In the tiny hamlet Dahanetol we will help 10 families construct an irrigation pool. Thank you to Jugend eine Welt for supporting this project!

A 2nd Irrigation Pool

We will help villagers in Shakar Palez, in Miramor, Daikundi, construct a new irrigation pool –  a standard pool. This will help them irrigate their almond trees and enable them to better cope with droughts.

The Irrigation Channel

We helped villagers in Barkar-e Hassan Raza build an irrigation system to water their lands. They take the water from a small creek and with hoses and pipes redirect it to their lands which are about a kilometer away. We help them pay for the necessary material.

The irrigation pool

In the small hamlet of Bagh, we supported the locals, so that they could build an irrigation pool for their almond trees. We paid for the construction material.

A drinking water spring for Bagh

In the village Bagh, in Miramor, Daikundi, 12 families got their drinking water from an unregulated spring. We provided some construction material to the villagers who have built a structure for the water. Now it will be easier and more healthy to collect water from there.

A water tank for Deh-no

In the village Deh-no we helped the villagers obtain a new stainless steel water tank for their drinking water. It will replace an old and unsafe concrete water tank. In addition, they will install hoses to take the drinking water to the houses.

Drinking water for Kharbidak and Baghalak

In Kharbidak and Baghalak we help the villagers buy new drinking water tanks and install new running water systems. The villagers in both places are contributing substantial amounts of the project funds themselves. Thus, we are able to help in two places instead of one.