Climate Change

Afghanistan is among the countries which will be most affected by climate change. It will suffer even more extreme weather events like droughts, heatwaves or floods and if climate change cannot be contained large regions might become unsuitable for agriculture. Simultaneously, its people do not have the means to adapt to ever more unpredictable weather patterns making them particularly vulnerable. Fighting climate change is of utmost importance if Afghanistan is to stay inhabitable.

Our projects contribute to climate change adapatation and mitigation.


Flood prevention and groundwater recharge

In the village Jake Pashi, in Jaghori, we will help the villagers build a flood prevention system. This year, the villagers suffered both from drought and from flooding. They are surrounded by dry mountains and when monsoon rains hit in summer, as they did this year, the water cannot be absorbed but runs towards the valley where the villagers live. Via a cash-for-work project, we will help the villagers build a cascade of rain water collection trenches in the dry valley upstream. This will protect against flooding and improve groundwater levels in the area.


Planting trees

Every tree absorbs CO2 from the atmosphere while growing. Thus, planting trees on hitherto barren land is the easiest way to reduce atmospheric CO2 the main driver of climate change. We will help villagers in Daikundi plant new almond trees on suitable land that can be irrigated. This helps the fight against climate change and simultaneously creates an income source for the people.




Climate change increases extreme temperatures. Unfortunately, this winter turned out to be extremely cold in Afghanistan. People’s homes lack proper heating and cannot protect people well against the elements. We distributed metal ovens in the village of Ochadara.