Drinking water for Kharbidak and Baghalak

For the villages Kharbidak and Baghalak, we bought drinking water tanks. In Baghalak, there are nine families who live in houses that do not have any water source. In Kharbidak, 6 families lack adequate running water.

Ahmad Zaher bought the material in Kabul ad Ghazni. This includes two water tanks, hoses, two pumpts and two solar panels. Here you can see him on his shopping trip:

While Ahmad Zaher was buying material, Adili visited Kharbidak and Baghalak in Miramor Daikundi. There, the villagers will build small wells close to the valley floor to get drinking water. The solar panels and pumps will help take the water to the new water tanks, from where drinking water systems can be installed.

On August, 21st, the material arrived in the villages.

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