About us


Who we are

We are a private transnational initiative. Most of the work is done in Afghanistan where Naim is in charge and Ahmad Zaher and Adili are helping. Latif is helping to coordinate the work in Daikundi from France.
The fundraising is done in Austria, with Fanny, Beata and Sarina being in charge. Najib is providing technical expertise from Germany.
If you want to help, please get in touch. We are building an organization in Europe to promote our development work in Afghanistan. The new organization is called Darya – Water Resources. Education. Development.

Our Mission

We are striving for sustainable economic solutions for small farmers in rural Daikundi. Our objective is to empower locals to invest in small-scale irrigation structures. This will improve food security and help combat poverty in one of the least developed remote regions on the planet. Our work also helps in the fight against climate change, as irrigation will enable the farmers to plant more nut trees. New trees capture CO2 from the atmosphere and improve soil quality and the micro-climate.

Afghanistan is one of the countries most affected by climate change. Last year, it suffered from a terrible drought and also this winter and early spring was far too dry. However, Afghans are experts at irrigation. For centuries, people have developed complex irrigation systems to enable agriculture. Now, they need a small assist to get started and build and rebuild irrigation structures after decades of war.

How we started

Since last fall Fanny Dellinger has been supporting a team of humanitarian workers in rural Daikundi led by Naim Yousufi Bayan and Ahmad Zaher Mohammadi with donations from Austria. The immediate goal was to prevent starvation deaths during this terrible winter that followed the total collapse of the economy in Afghanistan. While the vast majority of the people who were assisted had never been part of the formal economy, its collapse also led to the breakdown of solidarity networks that helped needy widows, and elderly or sick people survive.


Afghan refugees in Austria and France helped establish the contact between Fanny and the team in Daikundi. During the winter months, Naim Yousufi, Ahmad Zaher and the team distributed food packages and cash to needy households in a number of hamlets in Daikundi.

In order to document the cash distributions, the team took a picture of each person who received money with the money and the ID in hand.


Fortunately, international aid has arrived in Afghanistan and the World Food Program has even reached the villages where Mr. Yousufi was active. This allowed us to pivot to a new project phase and focus on small-scale infrastructure improvements so as to help people enhance their earning opportunities and gain economic self-sufficiency. Projects will focus on irrigation and education, but projects will depend on the communities themselves. The team will assist local communities in developing and implementing their own ideas and projects as we believe that the communities know best how to improve their situation.